ODE in support of Coronavirus emergency
6 Aprile 2020
The company gives its contribution with a donation to Luigi Sacco hospital in Milan and Alessandro Manzoni hospital in Lecco.
Close to those who are on the front line.
It is a delicate moment in which it is important to remain united and help each other: for this reason all of us of ODE Group want to be close to those who are on the front line against an invisible enemy and we want to support the extraordinary commitment made by doctors and healthcare professionals.
We thought it was right to help the territories to which we are linked and which in these weeks are put a strain: Lecco, where we were born and Milan where we have become international.
For this reason, ODE has decided to give its contribution to face the emergency with a donation to Luigi Sacco Hospital in Milan and Alessandro Manzoni Hospital in Lecco in order to purchase equipment and to support research against the spread of Covid-19.
Our Group made available an insurance coverage for all employees who may be affected by the current health emergency, with the hope that it should never be activated. This commitment is an initial recognition for the sense of responsibility shown by our workers, who work every day to ensure that the company remains operational by supplying the chain of necessary activities in these hard weeks.
We did these initiatives because we believe it is the fairest thing to do, but even because we know that together we can make the difference.
On behalf of all of us of ODE Group, a grateful thanks to doctors and nurses, to all members of Protezione Civile and Croce Rossa, and to all those who work day and night, both in hospitals and in the territories, for what they are doing for our wonderful Country, without ever stopping.
Only mutual support and collective effort can guide us in such a difficult moment.
Distant, but Together.